Serving Texas & Oklahoma

Centric to Our Core…Values

Centric to Our Core…Values

Centric To Our Core Values Blog

There are many times in life that we as people or companies feel that we are going where the wind takes us or that we can’t do anything to change the wind. And part of that thought is right – you can’t change the wind. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t change your direction or feel more in control of the direction you are travelling!

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust the sails to always reach my destination. – Jimmy Dean

Why are Core Values Important?

Picture for me a giant boat with several masts and sails that represent your company. Sails on a ship, when open and harnessing the power of the wind can be seen by others near and far. They are hard to miss and play a vital role in how quickly you get to your destination. In the same way, a company’s core values harness the energy of the people working within it to propel it forward. If those core values are not open and communicated throughout the company on a regular basis, your sails have been shortened, and your ship drifting – going wherever the current takes you.

A clipper ship at full sail on the open water on Centric Home Health and Hospice website
a clipper ship at full sail

The leadership at Centric Home Health and Hospice Care has taken the time and energy to ensure the right core values or sails are in place to navigate this company’s course correctly. We have developed seven core values that drive our company, employees, patients, and families forward.


Definition: One that serves [or attends to] others

This is our mainsail and the foundation of everything we do at Centric Health. We are focused on making everybody better including ourselves. Serving our employees, patients, and families is what our core values are built from. This is our heart – to serve.


Definition: the willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions

We can set the standards that we can all be accountable to, and it starts with focusing on patients first.  It means providing optimal care, persisting, and insisting on results that we know a patient truly needs.


Definition: assured, confident

At Centric Health, we are bold enough to do the right thing. And when we’re bold enough to do the right thing, then we understand that we can accomplish what we’ve set out to do – provide optimal patient care to the best of our ability.


Definition: a condition of harmony; continuity without deviation or change (as in purpose or action)

We all have the same purpose here and our purpose is unified. Employees are accountable to each other and to our patients – we choose not to judge one another but to come alongside and work together for good of our patients and families.


Definition: the use of the imagination or original ideas

At Centric Health, we think differently – out of the box – to achieve the best possible outcomes. It means taking unique approaches to resolving issues and really being able to focus on why we are here – to provide quality health care to our patients in Texas and Oklahoma.


Definition: the quality or state of being characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices

If you can be transparent about everything you’re doing daily, that means you’re open and honest about how effective you’ve been in your role. It makes us all better when we’re open and honest.


Definition: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

We are a part of the communities we serve, and they are a part of us. We want to be the pillar in the community that they can be relied on when assistance is needed. To grow with, be a friend to, and support each other in times of need.

Moving Forward Together

Centric Health’s ship is moving forward in this vast ocean, and we are going to reach our destination together because of our core values. If you are interested in learning more about our services or becoming part of our team, contact us today.